Thursday, August 30, 2012

Prison Letter

What do you want me to get .I need you to get me a spcial kind of drug .Why do I have to get it.Because you  are the only one with this stuff.Who told you that.
picture from here

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The gendercide in india

I think what is going on in india is wrong and woman are not weaker sex the shoudent be killed because it

cost alot to have wedding.tThey should be treated the same as men men are no diffrent.There  is going to be a shortage of woman .All the men are going to have a hard time finding woman to marry.There are so many men without wifes its wierd.The people are dissobaing the law they should be aressted.The people of india

are crazy.The fact that the goverment isnt doing anything about it is dumb.They should get a new government.The fact that the president is a woman and they are lik this is wiered. India is crazy.,r:5,s:28,i:250

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Business Letter

500 Sup.Street
Saint Louis, MO 63029

Augest 27, 2012

1717 W, Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. DeBolt:

Hi I'm Jacob Cremer I like to play football and baseball.I normally do good in school. I always have fun with my family.Those are things that I do.

I don't really know much about computers. I dont type fast at all. I konw the baiscis like putting your fingers on asdf jkl; thats what I know.

I would like to learn about computers is I what to know how to type faster. I love computers I need to type faster

jacob cremer

Friday, August 24, 2012

whats up peeps

My name is Jacob. I'm taking over this blog now. I'll be using it first quarter.

Picture From Here