Thursday, August 29, 2013


You're. Welcome.
'sup everyone? This is my freestyle post and I just wanted to tell everyone about my most favorite things in the universe!!! One of them is called Doctor Who. It's a ridiculously amazing British television show that's impossible to describe. For those of you who are Whovians----->
So check it out on Netflix. Start With the episode Rose. It's not the greatest, but stick with it and it gets AMAZING!!!! Fangirl out.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


103 Vista Way

Ashley Bing
102 Jasson Ave.
Manhattan, New York 72498

Dear Ms. Ashley Bing:

My name is Audrey McKinney and I am collecting donations for the organization, ASPCA. We are an organization that helps animals everywhere in need. please consider donating money or time. Animals need your help. If you become a member,  you will get a free gift every month with this donation. 

Also, you will get a picture of an animal that you've helped. please send donations to 103 Vista Way, Dallas,Texas. thank you for your time.


What to do?

One day about ten years after i had left seventh grade, I went to collect the post from my mailbox. from inside, i retrieved a strange letter. It was from my very good friend Jessica Ginger. I was quite delighted to finally receive a letter from Jessica. However, a closer inspection of the letter revealed that it was from a maximum security prison. I was quite shocked. As Jess had never so much as disobeyed a teacher in her entire life! I quickly ripped open the letter and unfolded it. It read,

Dear Audrey,

I  know I've caused you much grief. But there's something i need that only you can get for me. Don't tell anyone about this. The reason I am in prison is because I am accused of a crime I did not commit. i am accused of murdering my husband. Please bring me twenty  pounds of dynamite concealed in a mattress. please. I need you. 

Love, Jess

What am i to do?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013