Tuesday, December 17, 2013

About this class this quarter

     What I liked about this class what that we were kinda free on what to do. The teacher didn't have to walk around and tell us what to do next on the project. I also liked how we did the timed typing tests and how we put the scores on our spreadsheet. The only things I didn't like were the quizzes on Fridays and the vocabulary. I know we kinda had to do them for practice but it wasn't very fun. They were meant for practice and for us to good on our actual tests. I hope with us taking those tests and doing the vocabulary we get more knowledge of how to do work a computer. Picture from here

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Last night I had volleyball practice right after I had to cheer at a basketball game. I was a little late to practice but my coaches understood. We worked on our serving, defense, and offense. We really need to work on our defense because we are really struggling with it. Next Wednesday we are going to scrimmage against another team called the St. Louis Elite. I have never heard of that team before, but I hope they are decent. I hope this scrimmage is going to be fun. Picture from here

Thursday, December 5, 2013


     Today is the pep assembly for basketball season. I cheer for the school and so I have to cheer at the assembly. We are performing a dance, boy and girl dance, stunts, and just cheering. Tonight we also have a basketball game to cheer at. It is suppose to snow tonight so the basketball game might get cancelled. I hope it doesn't because it is the first game we get to cheer at for basketball. I am excited for both the assembly  and the basketball game but also nervous. I didn't cheer for football season so I'm scared that i might mess up. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

You find yourself in front of seven doors.

         If i found myself in front of seven doors I would go through the Wonderland door. I have never been to Wonderland and I really want to go there. Wonderland seems like a very cool place and I have only heard about it a couple of times. I don't really know much about it but I want to go there just to see what is it like there. When I go through that door I find myself a little shocked of the door I picked. I see that it is not what I expected it to be. It is much more beautiful than I thought. I then see that I am stuck there forever.