Monday, March 17, 2014

Kid Nation

I think this is a really cool show so far. This seems like a fun trip I could take and be a leader. It looked like hard work just getting their belongings there. It seems really fun making the diner. A lot of this seems fake in my opinion. It would be better if there wasn't cameras on them. When people  have cameras on them they act a lot different. There is a lot of fights but kids can work together that's the whole point of the show. They had to divide the all the kids up in 4 different groups. This is the funniest show I've ever seen. There is one toilet in the whole town. The kids definitely cry a lot. Some of the kids creep me out. A lot of the kids have to do different things to earn money. They have real life things like town hall meetings. In every town hall meeting they ask if you want to leave. In every town hall meeting one person gets a gold star. Each star is worth 20,000. That can buy you a crap load of shoes and pretty much anything you want.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The St. Louis Cardnials

Picture From Here
My favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. I love going to games because every game I go to they win. Its almost like I am  the cardinals lucky charm. Something I really love about going to any baseball game in period is that at least one homerun gets hit. I love seeing homeruns get popped out of the park. I actually almost got one hit straight to me it was in my section but a couple rows ahead of me and some crazy guy caught it. I had my glove ready and everything. If it would of got hit a couple rows behind that guy I would of caught. Also if Matt Carpenter would have put a little more power into I would of caught it. Another thing I like about going to baseball games is the food that they sell and the large sodas. I LOVE IT.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Something That Upsets Me

Something that really bugs me is when people force me to do something I really cant or don't want to do. like telling me to get out of room that im getting my things out of. I also hate when people say there going to do something but they never end up doing it. Because if I get my hopes up about something fun or special I get really down on myself and that person. That always seems to happen to me. Like when someone says they will call you everyday but always makes an excuse not to. It definitely upsets me everyday.

Pic from here

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I Love Being A Kid

Something I really love about being a kid is that I don't have to buy anything my parents buy it for me. I love getting new shoes especially because I love shoes and I don't have to shoes when it comes to getting new ones my parents buy them. Also paying bills I don't have to do because I am  not old enough yet. My parents also don't spend random money on me they get me what I need and that's it. But another thing I enjoy about being a kid is all the sports and after school activities there are, Like football, track, ect. Sports is my life and hopefully I am good enough to make it professional someday. Sports is my way to success, fame, and of course money.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Special Rights

Picture from here
I disagree because being "special" could mean many different things, like maybe since America might be "special" we get more resources or whatever like I said it could mean many different things. In my opinion I think being "ordinary" would be fine. There is not one specific country better than another. Just because America is "free" doesn't mean we are the greatest country on planet earth. There are lots of people living under dictatorship and many other government forms and some people may like it. I personally wouldn't but maybe some people do. It all goes back to "special" and "ordinary".  But if you feel special then you have a right to feel special.