Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today I woke up and found a key in my bedroom... And it's my birthday. It was sparkly, quite shiny, and wasn't very strong. I liked the key, but it didn't seem to fit in any of doors. It was oddly shaped, which I'm guessing was the problem, and seriously DID NOT FIT ANYWHERE. So I wrote a poem. (This is a story I didn't really find a sparkly key in my bedroom.)

There isn't much to do, with this little key.
I feel so bored and childish, but it's so sparkly.?
I haven't had much sleep, because I've been awake, thinking of why this key was here. I concluded it was a mistake.
I walked into the kitchen, and greeted Uncle Bide.
I told him all about it, he said, "Well have you tried it on that new car outside?"
I rushed outside smiling, crying while I tried,
Not to brake the window as I tried to get inside.
Adorable Picture From Here