Thursday, December 13, 2012


Yesterday I went on a field trip to the St.Genevieve performing arts to see a play about bullying. In the play, two students, a boy and a girl, were being bullied. In the play they were both being led by a fairy god mother type character named Glenda who told them that intimidation would stop the bullying. We all know that that's not the real right way to do it. The boy being physically bullied, ended up resulting in a school shooting. The girl, who was being mentally bullied, ended up becoming just like the girls who were being bullies to her. People might think that it's just girl drama, and sometimes it is, but it REALLY hurts. The feeling of rejection, like no one wants you in certain group AKA 'clique.' Of course, my wonderful mother has guided me through these things, as well as some other wonderful friends in my life. But I know that feeling, and I don't want ANYONE to ever feel like that. Girls can truly be very, very mean, they can make you feel like next to nothing, but you just have to know that you are someone, and you are loved, and you are wanted! If this has happened or is happening to you a truly hope this helped and there is always someone to talk to.