Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Business Letter

Breanna Patek
7712 Cookie Blvd.
Festus, MO 63028

January 10, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. DeBolt:

I like your class. My favorite thing to do on a computer is typing. I'm happy that you don't give homework. I'm also happy that you show us how to do everything before we try it on our own. This is one of my favorite classes.

The compound/complex sentences are kind of easy. They are also time consuming. I'm also writing those in writing. I'm happy that we had all week to do it. My favorite sentences are compound-complex.

I used to be a slow typer. Now I type a lot faster. Last year I played a typing game in computers. One time I beat my whole class in the game. My teacher gave me a prize. Again, I really like your class.


Breanna Patek

Picture from here