Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Do Video Games Make Kids More Violent?

In some ways video games to make kids more violent because thy see the people in the games hitting , punching, killing, and etc.. and they think that its okay to do those things in real life. Its not. Also if they are playing black ops zombies or any zombie game then they might get nightmares or they might think that zombies are real and zombies will come to life and like eat their brains out. also, on grand theft auto the point of the game is to like steal money and steal cars, kids might think that all of that stuff is okay to do if they can do it in the game and its not so if they do it they will go to jail or sometimes even prison and none of that is okay. My opinion and many other peoples opinion isn't going to reflect on what other people do with their spare time but our opinion might just work on another persons mind and they might realize what video games can do to your mind and how they affect you and they would find other and better things to do with their spare time. hopefully that works because we wouldn't want to see some of our cloths friends going to jail or even prison for something they that was okay because it was okay in that one game and they will take that game producer to court and everything will be horrible.

picture from here

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