Thursday, May 22, 2014

Three Day Weekend

This weekend is going to be amazing. Well Saturday Sunday and Monday at least. Friday im suppose to be baby sitting witch is good because I get money. On Saturday my best friend is coming over and we haven't hangout witch feels like forever but really its only been two weeks. Oh, and Eli might be coming over. My step dad is going to bbq and we are all going to swim. On Sunday Sydney is coming over and we are going to go to another bbq at my stepdads house and come back home and go night swimming. Then when my mom leaves for work that night we will probably just play x box and play with my kitty. Witch is very mean. On Monday we are going to swim again and lay out and just hangout. We haven't talked or hung out in for real like 4 months. So its going to be nice to get one of my best friends back.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Something That Bothers Me

Something that really bothers me is when guys think girls cant do something because we are girls. I know plenty of things that girls can do that guys cant. There are a lot of girls who are actually better at guys then most things. Guy think since we are girls we are weak and we aren't smart enough to do something they can or we cant take the pain. Like football, almost every guy in my gym class freaks out when girls want to play football because we are girls and we aren't fast enough or we cant throw the ball right we simply we are just girls. But then whenever us girls are doing something and they want to join we say no because they are guys and they get all butt hurt. Just like when guys say that girls cant ride good. I know plenty of girls who can ride 2X better then most guys. What really makes me mad is whenever guys say when they get married the wife is staying home and taking care of the kids because he can only work because he's the man. Alright we are not in the 1700 or whatever year it was that all of that was happening.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kid Nation 6

 A couple of words that I feel like are appropriate for this episode of kid nation is, authority, coercion, and cooperation.

Authority- The council leaders are a type of authority.
The people who get the star are kind of a part of authority because they get the power to be able to call there parents.
When the council is reading the journal they are the only authority that can read it because they have that power.
Whenever all of the council leaders were going to give Taylor her punishment she wouldn't do it and the only people who have that authority to give out a punishment is the council leader.

Coercion- Whenever Zach is trying to get everyone up and Taylor comes out all mad and yelling at Zach because she lost and she wants to be the council leader.
Whenever Taylor and her little friend weren't helping pick up the garbage there was an argument because neither of them every help with anything.
Whenever The other girl goes back to help so she doesn't get into trouble and Taylor doesn't go back with her they got in kind of an argument.
when Taylor got all mad at laurel and kept trying to get away from all of the people.

Cooperation-Whenever Zach is trying to get everyone up and Taylor comes out all mad and yelling at Zach because she lost and she wants to be the council leader.
When Taylor had to go and fill up the water she wasn't cooperating like she should've.
When ever DK was getting everyone rounded up to get everyone to help with the water everyone was actually cooperating.
Everyone was helping for the challenge.

Kid Nation 7

Anomie-  Whenever Anjay was telling Greg to be nice to Nathan, Greg was just being mean to him and wasn't respecting him. A lot of the people were always listeniong to anjay whenever they were doing the challenge. For the trash whenever no one was taking it out. Everyone just lets taylor do what she wants to do. No one just picks her up and forces her to help.

Stigma- When ever Everyone was being mean to Taylor. She was never ever helping anyone. Everyone was basically being an example of stigma because they were labeling her as a brat or rude.  Whenever the little boy was getting mad at all the girls he knocked down the table. The girls were labeling him bratty and rude.

Deviant- Whenever the little boy got mad at all the girls he knocked over the table. When the girl put all that nasty stuff into a pot and put 50 cents in there she was being deviant to. other people Greg was being mean to Nathan. He wasn't letting him do anything his own way like he was told to do. He was just being a jerk to him.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Kid Nation 5

          Three words that remind me of this episode of kid nation is conflict, in- group, and group boundary.
          The reason I feel like conflict is good for this whole episode is because whenever the yellow team wasn't wanting to get up. That one boy just yelled at him and told the kids to get up and go make breakfast they wouldn't get up. They got into a fight and it jut caused a huge conflict between everyone. When the blue leader was trying to get everyone's attention and to get everyone to settle down and everyone just started throwing u things at him. Whenever the blue leader was trying to get his team awake to go do the work that they have to do the one older girl started yelling at him and saying he was annoying and everything and that's a type of a conflict.
          Let me tell you a couple reasons why in-group is a good use of word for this episode. Whenever the green team was talking about who was going to see who was going to over vote laurel and see if it was actually going to be a vote against her. When the blue council leader was talking to laurel he was telling her how he's going to start demanding respect from his group. He also said we was going to do better in the future.
          since I have told you two words that I feel like fit this episode. Now im going to tell you about the last one witch is group boundary. Group boundary means A way to separate from every other group. So whenever they have all there different colors one to separate each other from everyone that's an example of group boundary. The head bands that they wear are a example of group boundary.