Anomie- Whenever Anjay was telling Greg to be nice to Nathan, Greg was just being mean to him and wasn't respecting him. A lot of the people were always listeniong to anjay whenever they were doing the challenge. For the trash whenever no one was taking it out. Everyone just lets taylor do what she wants to do. No one just picks her up and forces her to help.
Stigma- When ever Everyone was being mean to Taylor. She was never ever helping anyone. Everyone was basically being an example of stigma because they were labeling her as a brat or rude. Whenever the little boy was getting mad at all the girls he knocked down the table. The girls were labeling him bratty and rude.
Deviant- Whenever the little boy got mad at all the girls he knocked over the table. When the girl put all that nasty stuff into a pot and put 50 cents in there she was being deviant to. other people Greg was being mean to Nathan. He wasn't letting him do anything his own way like he was told to do. He was just being a jerk to him.
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